The Folklore Ensemble Vranovcan in its more than 40 year long history has won several major awards both at home and abroad.
Some of the Vranovcan’s greatest achievements are first prizes at the festivals throughout Europe, but also participation among the world folklore elite in one of the best folklore festivals in the world in Confolens in France.
It was here where an amateur folklore ensemble VRANOVCAN was founded in 1968.
The Folklore Ensemble VRANOVCAN ranks among the top Slovak folklore ensembles. In its activities it has devoted itself to identification, collection,
preservation and public presentation of the rich folklore heritage
embodied in various folklore customs and habits, songs and dances
pertaining to the eastern Slovak regions of Saris and Zemplin.
Trips abroad
Since it was founded the ensemble has delivered over 1450 performances at various folklore festivals, celebrations, folklore parades and competitions at home and abroad.
During its 89 trips abroad, has performed and has given more than 351 performances in 22 countries of Europe, Asia, Africa and America.
The ensemble has released 3 CD albums and 2 audio
cassettes containing songs and dances from around the region of Vranov
nad Toplou.
The group has appeared several times on the Slovak Television and Slovak Radio. In 2002, with the help of regional association ‘Nove Milenium‘, Folklore Ensemble VRANOVCAN has published COLLECTION OF FOLKLORE SONGS from around the region of Vranov nad Toplou for basic schools and all the folklore lovers.